Monday 25 July 2016

Four Ways CRM-based travel management improves life for both agency and Traveler? - Kapture CRM

Today, traveling Industry has become more complex and costly than ever before! Resultantly, it has turned into a market purely dominated by the price-equation, where businesses aggressively cut costs and wage open wars based on their ability to offer cheap packages. In retrospective, this could even potentially lead to compromises on quality travel experience.
CRM-based Travel Management lets you systems and manage multiple aspects of your travel agency business. It enables you to cut, trim costs and enhance travel experience. This helps you acquire more customers without a drop-in your service quality level. In this article, we examine how CRM could improve the multiple factors that go into determining the relationship between a travel agency and a traveler.
Why you Need to organize Travels based on CRM

For the traditional practitioner, a CRM for travel agency may appear as absurd. Travel industry had reached its peak and doing well-before the advent of any SaaS based Travel solution. It may indeed appear as a modern technology has limited its own application in the travel market.
But if you are seriously looking to determine the efficacy of CRM software in the travel industry, you need to first ask these primary questions.

  • Does it satisfy a price conscious market?
  • Can you provide a package that’s equivalent or better than the one provided by competitor?
  • Can you align and organize a tightly integrated travel plan?
  • Can you eliminate the potentials for possible inconveniences?

Although these could be individually attended, you are required to find a balanced solution that considers all these aspects. After all, these could simply turn out-to as conflicting in nature that demands additional resources.
The right travel CRM solution can help you find a balanced system that combines all these aspects in a price conscious way. In this blog, we are examining the multiple benefits of managing your travel business through a CRM platform.
Cost Management and proportional Increase in Bookings

As mentioned earlier, travels and hospitality industry are getting weighed down by competition and escapade in costs. With increasing inflation, travelers are also duly limiting themselves to affordable local destinations.

Here, the challenge would be making upper class packages more appeasing and cost friendly.
CRM- enablement helps you manage and reduce costs in a productive way. This allows you to estimate and list the right prices for each particular element of expenditure. It allows you to progressively trim down on prices of each element. Further, cloud servers allow you to systematically store and retrieve corresponding expenditures that are involved at balancing these multiple factors.
This lets you provide customized packages that could potentially suit the needs of each corresponding customer section. You can also start automating the creation of individual customer invoices through a rate contracting system.
Run and Focus Organized Campaigns

Considering the tough campaign objectives and low margin of errors, a travel marketer requires advanced tools to cope with its corresponding marketing challenges.
CRM allows you to completely integrate multiple marketing channels and platforms. This data management utility lets you to build a highly relevant audience list. It also allows you to maximize the penetration of your marketing activities for each particular audience segment.

Based-on CRM-enabled planning and automated alerts, you can optimize your customers reach with better precision and reach. This allows you to maintain effective post-sales and complaint resolution programs. As an industry which is chiefly driven by word of mouth recommendation, this means a direct increase in acquiring new prospects and opportunities.
Winning and Managing Corporate Accounts

For most travel agencies, the heart-and-meat of their business lies in winning and retaining big corporate accounts. For this, you need to have the ability to prioritize and organize each customer relationship management.

CRM also lets you closely monitor each customer account. Here, close monitoring allows you to develop a direct point of contact, which further helps you foster productive relationships. You can also manage in-depth customer accounts through creating individual customer profiles.
Manage Intricate Travel Details and Arrangements

Beside costs, every traveler entertains the idea of being part of a supremely arranged travel plan. On the part of travel agency, this is also partly the opportunity to utilize the experience and knowledge concerning each particular destination.

With CRM, you have the ability to control multiple aspects of a traveler while bringing down the expenses at the same time. This can also unify all aspects of traveling to a single dashboard. It allows you to manage and edit intricate customer details, letting you possibly achieve more referral sales and better customer retention.

As a seamlessly integrated travel agency platform, Kapture CRM lets you single-handedly manage and control multiple aspects of your business.

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