Monday 3 May 2021

Things you Need to Consider While Resolving a Ticket

 Whether your business is a startup or a Fortune500 company one of the most prevalent goals in customer care support is efficient remediation of help desk tickets. In times like this where businesses are witnessing an influx of digitization, an influx in customer care tickets is also witnessed. These days it has become even more essential for businesses to explore ways to properly handle a support ticket. With so many options being available for the same kind of products and services customers now have millions of options. 

One of the most important things that determine where the customer purchases a certain product or service is an efficient desk support system. When businesses work towards building on the best customer care experiences they tend to increase customer onboarding as well as customer satisfaction. For businesses to maintain a positive brand image and create profitability in the 21st century it has become essential for businesses to have a customer-centric approach. When businesses work towards efficiently resolving their customer care tickets they not only opt for a customer-centric practice and efficiently handle ticket escalations but also increase customer satisfaction levels.

Ways to Properly Handle Support Tickets

  1. Pay attention to repeat tickets

While resolving help desk tickets it is essential for help desk agents to identify and pay attention to repeat tickets. This not only helps identify solved tickets but it also contributes to efficient help desk management.  Repeat tickets can waste a lot of help desk agent time and can also cause inefficiency. After identifying repeat tickets they can later be used by help desk agents for future references. Keeping track of such repeat tickets in knowledge management systems not only helps agents solve future problems in an efficient manner but also helps them do this quickly. When businesses have efficient customer relationship management tools like Kapture CRM they not only facilitate an efficient round Robin ticketing system but also are able to speed up the remediation process. 

  1. Work towards efficiently prioritizing your tickets 

As the global digitization process speeds up the influx of help desk tickets also goes up. In times like this helpdesk teams witness tickets coming in at every hour of the day. With such an influx of help desk tickets becoming essential for businesses to not only prioritize these tickets will also become expensive for them to properly assign them to help desk agents. When service desk teams fail to properly assign and prioritize tickets it not only reflects negatively on the company itself but also reflects on profitability. By employing CRM systems like Kapture businesses can now leave ticket prioritization and automated ticket assignment efficient customer management tools.

  1. Maintain a centralized knowledge management system. 

It is important for businesses to facilitate a centralized knowledge management system that holds all customer data and is accessible by all the help desk agents. When help desk agents have access to such centralized knowledge management systems it not only helps them identify repeat tickets it also helps them escalate the entire remediation process itself. Maintaining a customer data knowledge base helps help desk agents to provide customers the most contextual responses. Providing such context to respond not only makes customers feel special but also increases customer satisfaction levels.

Tips for a Successful Ticket Escalation Process

  1. Make sure that you are keeping your customers updated about the remediation process. 

  2. Keep a constant check on the ticket resolution process. 

  3. Maintain an efficient knowledge management system that keeps track of customer data.

  4. Make sure that you have a centralized knowledge management system that is accessible to all help desk agents.

  5. Make sure you follow up with customers even after you resolve the ticket.

  6. Setup customer feedback portals. After connecting with customers, analyze feedback, especially negative comments.

  7. Make use of the right CRM tools that help agents efficiently prioritize tickets.

Efficiently resolving tickets in a timely manner can sometimes be hectic especially when there is an influx of help desk tickets. But with the right customer relationship management tools like capture CRM businesses can not only effectively resolve customer care tickets but can also increase customer satisfaction levels. To know more about how you can efficiently resolve help desk tickets click here for a demo.

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