Thursday, 23 June 2016

How CRM Customer profiling helps you target right Prospects and Customers? - Kapture CRM

All businesses want to know more about their customers. But most of the times they are just limited to individual customer contact number and information. Often, you don’t have enough data to target the right consumers.
CRM Customer profiling receives and combines multiple sources of customer data in a single user database. This gives you enough information and traction to utilize your user data to specifically categorize your users. You can also segment your users according to their specific tastes, preferences and likewise…

Customer profiling is contact management 2.0
Like all biological beings, software and its integrated features also come with a cycle of evolution. Albeit, a much faster cycle of progress. They are just too quick to evolve and progress.
Today, CRM Customer Profiling has taken the place of customer contact management, which remained a standard way of managing customers even a few years ago… CRM-based profiling provides a much greater source of knowledge and information database.
CRM Customer profiling is an evolved way of managing customers and prospects, which understand and predict customer requirements.
Instead of just maintaining multiple customer contacts, you can understand the specific needs of each customer. Further, you can also run focused campaigns that reach and engages right users.
In-short, customer profiling helps you find the maximum utility of your collected user data.

User Targeting is getting Harder and Complex
An ability to select the right target audience and channels go a long-way at determining your campaign success.
In most industries, user targeting is hard and complex. You can easily end-up targeting wrong users or consider wrong criteria to arrive at wrong assumptions about your target user group.
By marketing, you can try to limelight a specific customer category or group. Without careful selection of user base, you could easily end-up missing-out on core opportunity.
With right parameters and focused user groups, you could achieve access to right target audience group or audience circle.

Targeting through Personalization
CRM customer profiles let you collect and segregate each individual user tastes, marketing sources, budgeting habits, etc.… This gives you a well-informed perspective about each user base.
It allows you to engage with right user bases and initiate audience communication.
On the other side, it helps you achieve the right audience appeal, which could find better resonates with your customers.

Understanding the Individual User
All successful marketing endeavors needs to consider customers as single entities. Almost all customers could vary and their requirements could diversify.
CRM customer profiling stores in-depth customer information that lets you store and retrieve multiple customer information. With common database integration, you can streamline each user parameter to a single dashboard.
It lets you collect and readily retrieve custom dashboard regarding customer age, group, and sex and purchase intent. Under a marketing campaign, you may need to combine multiple users into a single group.

Manage and Focus Outbound Campaigns
All businesses at least periodically depend on outbound campaigns. This involves activities such as E-mail marketing, SMS marketing and direct calling.
All these require specific directives or objectives before starting a campaign. In other-words, you need to have an understanding of specific audience taste or requirement to pitch at each campaign.
CRM customer profiling lets you collect all related user information, which could be filtered down to specific audience circle or customer base. Further, this enables you to create a focused customer message. You can also create right audience penetration and interest.

CRM customer profiling lets you target and focus your marketing efforts on right campaigns and users. By making users into the central focus of your every marketing activity, you could be sure that all your campaign efforts are well-aimed. By aiming well, you can also earn better reception.

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

How CRM Sales Tracking system aligns your multiple sales Objectives? - Kapture CRM

Most organizations take their sales team to be one of their most important assets. But leveraging and achieving maximum utility from their sales team is a formidable challenge.
The sales tracking system lets you organize your entire physical movement and monetary activity around a unified platform. By simulating a platform sales management, you can efficiently manage conversations and transfer current status along the organizational chain.

What makes sales Tracking System?
CRM-based Sales tracking system connects each sales employee to the concerned management through a system of connected mobile app. This also facilitates seamless transition of messages through multiple platforms. You can also manage sales communications to reflect your business objectives.
By a sales tracking system, you can establish a streamlined communication platform connecting each filed employee through a centralized CRM system. Simultaneously, it also avails multiple parts of your organization to a central CRM system.
Simultaneously, a Mobile location tracker lets you instantly review, track and follow each sales employee location throughout the City.

Track Field Employee Location
According to field research, one of the frequent reasons for loosing prospects is failing to arrange meetings at a right time. In a fast paced decision making economy, it’s significant to meet and arrange meetings at the right time and spot.
Sales tracking software gives you a better alternative than just pushing employees to arrange a higher number of client and prospect meeting.
An android integrated sales tracking app reviews and reports your employee location across field terrain. By connecting to a mobile tracking app, you can plot the accurate location of each field employee. It involves arranging meetings and handling clients to agree on specific objectives.

Manage Field Communications
Commonly, the daily commitment of a field executive is string together based on a number of field meetings and concerned expectation. Often, this doesn’t leave room for communication or strategizing each client meeting.
This leads to situations of businesses failing to consistently communicate or bias your individual employees. Sales tracking software lets you initiate field communications through a single system.
Under this system, the concerned manager can oversee each due meeting on a single dashboard. It also avails details about precursor about meeting progress. This enables you to set pre-set objectives that need to be met and covered for each customer meeting.
This helps you set and achieve specific objectives with each client meetings while learning about a more nuanced approach to customer arrangement.

Increase the Number of Meetings
For most organizations, sales management requires fixing-up meetings and making timely phone calls. In case you are handing a field team, this translates to fixing up customer spots and managing deal making. Sometimes new meetings are arranged based on intuitiveness or direct customer approach.
All these mean that customer visits are limited to a pre-set time table. With a repeatable and productive step help you maximize the number of meetings.
It also lets you increase the number of customer visits and meetings.
In both these scenarios, you need better inter-channel communication and speedy decision making. In this, sales tracking could be the way to take your business forward.

Be Flexible and Resourceful with Client Meetings
Sometimes, employees enter meetings with rigid constraints and targets about perspective meetings. This presents a very limited reachable and communication outline about concerned project. Often, this can even limit up-selling and cross selling opportunities.
With combined Mobile location tracker and sales management, your team can report each turn and progress concerning your sales negotiation. This could be updated to a single dashboard. Further, these dashboard details could be updated to a concerned management interface. This helps you to arrange and consolidate meetings.
This situation leads to un-fulfilled meetings which will further depreciate the meeting count. It means that your sales team output could be depreciating for no particular reason of one’s own.
Most organizations consider sales as their most important business aspect. But most lack an end-to-end sales tracking and management system. CRM sales tracking provides a comprehensive platform to oversee progress along each sales channel.

Monday, 20 June 2016

How to Use CRM as a Powerful Predictive analytics tool? - Kapture CRM

Depending on how you handle it, a change could be either an opportunity or a misfortune. This means that one always needs to keep ahead of the changing trends and preferences.
CRM-based Predictive analytics tool provides you with right insights and optimal point-of-view that allow you take the right decisions. CRM predictions and reports let you keep a pulse on organizing data. This enables you to make the right decisions that propel your business in the right direction.
You can also keep track of changing market dynamics and market situations to evolve your business.

Why CRM Business Prediction is Important?
As per the phenomenon of butterfly effect, a small change at the right time could make an incremental positive or negative change in the end. Otherwise, an ability to make discernibly simple observations could make the biggest change in a future.
In a business set-up, you are constantly making decisions one way or another. Even lack of action is a form of decision making. In this situation, you need to have an eye on making the right decision at every turn and opportunity.
In-order to make a positive change, you need to have the ability to measure diverse business metrics. By measuring anything, you can push it to the right direction.
By increasing the quality and extent of measured metrics, you can start making critical insights into normal processes and activities. By implementing CRM-based data reports and Predictive analytics, you can cover more metrics and form more critical insights.
CRM could be integrated into multiple aspects and facets of your business to increase the extent of data collection. This could leverage more accurate prediction. It helps you to collect important data that keeps you ahead in a changing environment.
Given below, are the three main aspects of Predictive analytics that enable Businesses to make smarter decisions.

Zero-in on your Right Marketing Efforts
When running a marketing and sales campaign, you can often get mixed signals about employee or campaign performance. Often, this could be a partial result or combines multiple campaign objectives to provide a desired effect. You can also get confused about periodic market variations and fluctuations that are realistic of modern marketing and sales scenarios.
CRM reports help you consolidate multiple campaigns and employee contributions to a single dashboard. You can also filter-down reports to specific time period or individual location to evaluate your campaign effectiveness.
Consider the example given below. This filters the status of lead follow-ups on a given time scale of months. You can also analyze the status of each lead on a given time scale.
Zero-in on your Right Marketing Results
By plotting various analytical graphs, you could examine multiple points of views and collect right insights.
Report Engine Chart Criteria
By simply categorizing multiple factors, you can segregate multiple factors affecting your business decisions. You can also follow periodic fluctuations normally associated with multiple marketing and sales campaigns.

Predict Sales Opportunities and Understand Customers
By handling leads and prospects through a CRM, you establish a calendar-oriented sales funnel. This lets you predict the possibility of each prospect or lead buying your product at a given time period.
A sales funnel is characterized by leads converted to opportunities and opportunities converted to sales.
This means that you can accurately evaluate and set status of each prospect at each point of time. This could be useful at predicting upcoming sales opportunities for every month or quarter. It allows you to focus on the right prospects or leads, which helps you to further increase conversion ratios.
You can also predict upcoming sales opportunities and ways to maximize leads turnover across multiple stages of the sales funnel.

Manage Organizational and business Prejudices
With passing time, all business people accumulate prejudices and preconceptions about particular situations. As these changes are not essentially rooted in data, these are often vulnerable to errors. The fast-pace and changing trends make these more vulnerable to errors.
With CRM, you can collect and consolidate multiple streams of business data into a single platform. This enables you to verify your business data with collect data and information. Thus CRM predictive analytics toolensures that your decisions are rooted on solid reality.
Business people can also update their business knowledge and make more informed decisions.

An ability to accurately understand the current progress and environments enable you to make changes that make incremental future improvements. Integrated Predictive analytics lets you understand and iterate key business aspect to make consistent improvements.