Friday, 30 December 2016

What We Learned About Shifting Success In B2C Industry To B2B Industry?

Businesses consider the B2B and B2C to be completely non-related and isolated marketplaces. Business people who had success in making the switch are the misnomers of our generation.
This will lead to a few pressing questions!
Can we consider the B2B and B2C to be entirely two different markets? Are they both governed by entirely different marketing tactics? Does B2B and B2C customers have entirely different mindsets? Will the success in B2B necessarily equip you to succeed in the B2C and vice versa?
Arguably, having the right answers to these questions would finally determine whether you succeed or jeopardize your business’s future. The businesses that have been successful have zeroed-in on the right answer. On the other side, some businesses end-up with inevitable negative balance sheets due to their mistakes in evaluating.
Ok, now please indulge as we go through some humblebrag.
We believe ourselves to be in a unique position to bring some perspective into answering this question.
But, how does this exactly work?
We have tasted success in both B2B and B2C marketplaces.
Our SaaS product ’Kapture CRM’ has opened the gates to the B2B landscape. The platform enables businesses to smartly manage their sales and lead management. Our 200+ strong client list includes Big Basket, Quikr, Manipal Hospitals etc.
Our Sister company, Adjetter Media Network excels in managing social accounts and websites to achieve their search and social visibility goals. We have found success in diverse industry verticals through our SEO, SMO efforts. This helps you improve the client’s bottom line in different industry verticals.
In answering these questions, we will not try to deliver a single knock-out answer. But, we will try to enable you to figure that answer by yourself in your individual circumstances. This will help you nourish or organize your business in achieving its highest growth rates.
Differences in Crafting B2B and B2C Marketing Strategy
The B2B and B2C industries are governed by entirely separate dynamics of client communication and closures. This requires you to craft messages that are engaging to those particular customer sections.
B2B market place has a much smaller prospect pool that needs you to close much bigger deals.
At present, both the B2B and B2C Industry requires you to stimulate 1-to-1 customer interactions.
This requires you to concisely plan for customer targeting.
Let us enumerate the most important point of differences.
  1. In the B2B marketplace, you have a largely fixed pool of customers whom you are looking to engage and convert. The B2C landscape involves you to continuously appeal to a constantly moving stream of customers.
  1. The B2C marketing is focussed on creating recognition for the particular business. It can include creative advertising. The B2B marketing revolves around crafting positive logical arguments.
  1. Usually B2B leads are much harder to generate than B2C leads. The B2B online lead generation has a much higher CPL or cost per Lead acquisition.
  1. B2B deals are more lucrative and carry a higher profit margin. The B2C deals are comparatively less competitive and come with a lesser profit margin.
With this in mind, B2B marketers require a sales funnel to channel the acquired prospects towards long-term engagement and final conversion. This enables the acquired prospects to be streamlined to a single channel of conversion.
The B2C industry is focussed on converting the immediate inquiries.
With this in mind, you can repeat a successful campaign for the same audience demographics. This allows you to replicate a successful campaign multiple times.
Manage Different Marketing tactics to attract different Audience
It’s very important to understand that you have different audience demographics on different platforms. Even the same audience demographics act differently in separate social searches.
For example, the users will be looking at entirely different messages on search and social streams. This allows you to streamline and manage attention in the different streams.

This allows the businesses to streamline attention in different streams.
It’s true that B2B and B2C marketplaces require entirely two different approaches. But both of them work on the same marketing and sales principles.

Tuesday, 20 December 2016

How to increase your Team productivity with CRM software?

Often, any effort to increase the team productivity is met with dubious consent.
Having to monitor and increase productivity is much dreaded activity on both sides of the table. Both the employees and management have grown to think that it may undermine their working relationship.
The management’s take is that a stringent monitoring process could cause a potential leak of employee trust. From the employee perspective, it’s trying to force ‘management policing’ into their daily life.
Even as both these sides may carry their own justification and arguments, the facts and figures inarguably point towards the need for an integrated monitoring system. This helps you cover the productivity loopholes and enable your employees to win-over their impulses.
In this situation, both parties require a minimally intrusive system that can understand and evaluate all the ongoing activities. It also helps you understand the ingrained customer issues.
The CRM-based work monitoring system lets you evaluate and monitor all the ingrained work processes. As an embed information management platform, it also empowers your team to share data concerning your multiple ongoing processes.
This blog helps you understand the associated challenges with regards to improving the overall team work output. We will also discuss potential ways to streamline your efforts in a highly productive way.
Enable Remote Monitoring with Enterprise Mobility
In the recent years, remote work has become a much admired buzzword. Even the global corporations such as Philips and Amazon are now allowing their employees to workremotely.
This presents a number of actual problems such as duration of actual work hours, availability during the work hours, maintenance of quality assurance etc.
In this situation, you can connect your entire team using integrated enterprise mobility. This allows you to send, receive and track tasks on a single dashboard.
It also provides a ticket management dashboard that requires the employees to continuously monitor and record their presence.
Establish and monitor the right Productivity Metrics
All successful managers know that the secret of improving productivity is to monitor the right metrics. Unfortunately, most organizations are measuring the wrong metrics.
Like say, hours spent in office, number of entries created or follow-up to wrong leads etc. This will potentially lead to an increased confusionin all future activities.
These metrics may not necessarily reflect the actual organizational or individual performances. It’s also possible that an employee may try to hack activities to present an inflatedmetrics. But this will not improve their actual productivity.
The CRM platform can be an effective form to evaluate your total employee productivity. It also helps you comprehensively evaluate and monitor every employee action.
For example, the number of calls attended could be a very misleading metric to a service team. Instead you can focus on measuring and following better metrics that will reflect your actual organizational performances.
Keep Sales Team accountable through Multiple Metrics
If you keep aside few new-age digital companies, the sales teams are still the focus of attention in most organizations. Most sales teams are overworked and are kept under constant stress.
While the deal closures may be the ultimate success metric, you cannot directly understand and improve your sales outcome with the CRM software. You actually need more effective pre-sales metric that will enable you to form more deliberate insights.
You can record and evaluate ingrained performance metrics such as time of each visit, number of visits, requisite wait time or idle time for each employee etc.
Achieve Organizational workflow improvements
Almost all business reaches a point where theirproductivity has got plateaued for months. In this situation, having to push your employees may simply lead to employee burnout and attrition.
In this situation, you may need to go beyond employee output and look at organizational changes that can actually cascade your productivitymultiple times.
Let me deliberate this phenomenon.
A simplified workflow improvement process is given below.

It involves viewing the ongoing process, gaining insights, planning and carrying-out the execution and evaluating the output.
An integrated CRM system lets you create and follow a completed workflow. This allows you to create iterations and modifications that will consequently improve your workflow.
Create Team-wide Performance Metrics
An automated CRM platform lets you create an unbiased performance evaluation for your entire team. This will enable managers to overcome their personal biases and prejudices. It will also act to removeinsignificant metrics from the performance evaluation reports.
Needless to say, this will lead to overall performance improvements across your multiple teams.
Every organization will eventually face a situation where their productivity takes nose-dive or revenue growth gets plateaued even under renewed efforts.
Unless handled with care, this would develop into a toxic misunderstanding between employees and management.
This requires you to have a system that could empower and improve your total employee productivity.

Thursday, 15 December 2016

Four Aspects Of Mobile CRM That Will Positively Impact Your Business Productivity

If you are still in two minds about turning your business into mobile-centric model, let us present you the facts that will stare you right in the eyes.
Approximately2.8 billion people reached out and connected through their mobile devices in the last year alone. With the expectation of incremental growth in near future, mobile customer relationships is going to take a more pivotal place for businesses.
From the perspective of business, this dynamics could act as a double edged sword – you can either leverage your existing process to improve your business or fall prey to the comparatively better adapted competitors.
A business-integrated technology such as mobile CRM allows you to play a more central role in establishing a successful business ecosystem. This will help you create much closer relationships with your customers.
In this blog, we will examine the different aspects of Mobile CRM that could help you incrementally improve your business solutions. We will also discuss about specific ways that mobile CRM could modify your current business dynamics.
1. Creating a Mobile-centric Supply Chain and Value Distribution
Even in a traditional business model, the value of a supply chain is determined by the availability of accurate and up-to-date information. The mobile-centric supply chain can establish smooth sharing of information across team hierarchies.
A mobile-enabled supply chain will be more intelligent at handling the stock status and demand of goods across different communication touch points. It will also allow an easy overview of stock availability across each touch point.
In turn, this will help get the stocks easily distributed and managed across your entire stock distribution chain. Further, you can gain a higher value for your distribution network that provides greater penetration and visibility across your market.
2. Creating an inbuilt information feedback-Loop
Most of the business delays are caused due to delays in availing and acquiring information. This usually in-turn depends on the availability of both parties.
Secondly, the conformation of the availed information is also a source of further confusion and delays.
The mobile CRM forms a dedicated communication link between businesses and clients. As all information is available on a single platform, it’s also easy to correct errors and point out inconsistencies in the recorded data.
For example, if the manager considers a high value client, he can take it up for immediate review and processing.
This could potentially be an effective way to manually choose and prioritize between different clients.

It can make mobile CRM into a quick enabler to even slow moving business activities that may limit your organizational speed.
3. Achieving Greater productivity with better Team Control
The term productivity is usually associated with getting more work done in lesser time. Still better, it can also mean more revenue generating activity within a given time limit.
Wait, let us explain.
Usually, most of the productivity boosting protocols involve segmenting and giving independent control to each team manager. In-turn, these teams will be responsible for a higher amount of work output. Even if this model could easily improve work output per employee, the effect of collective organizational productivity is much dubious.
It will also mean that your productivity is no-longer constricted to pipeline effect in your work flow.
The mobile CRM platform will be a much more useful form of productivity boost that enables your entire organization.
The enterprise mobility system will enable each employee to communicate with the consented departments or teams. This will minimize the protocol to obtain tighter integration between different teams and individuals.
This will give constant feedback of your employee performance in your integrated dashboard.
In this way, you can control the trade-off between segmentation and team work towards deriving greater team work or productivity.
4. Establish a Definite Process flow and checklist in your core activities
In the present business ecosystem, forcing employees to work additional hours is an easy way to lose their core efficiency. Otherwise, this may end-up with pondering the core-activities on each turn. A mobile CRM helps you establish a definite process flow to manage your business activities.
A mobile CRM will help you establish a definite checklist to improve your business flow. This will also help you establish strategically streamlined decision making process.
The current market dynamics dictate a closely connected seller-buyer ecosystem. This means that mobile CRM app could be your trump card to achieve greater business productivity.
The mobile CRM enables you to stay-connected with your team and customers. This will also help you accelerate your flow of business decisions.
In-turn, this will help you understand and leverage your normal daily decision making processes. This will also give an on-the-pulse understanding of business mechanisms and possible hurdles.

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Google LaunchPad Accelerator programme Elevates Kapture CRM into the Start-up Community Spotlight

We all love pats and accolades. If the love comes from someone revered, the cloud nine instantly gets much higher and sweeter.
When the new hit us that Kapture CRM has been selected to be part of the 3rd Google Launchpad accelerator programme, we were totally engulfed by this exact overwhelming sense.
We felt like being swept from our feet, cradled for our achievements and then taken to the global startup spotlight.

In case you are not familiar,let me introduce you to Google Launchpad Accelerator program.
Google Launchpad Accelerator is one of the efforts by the Internet powerhouse effort to give a new boost to the deserving startups in Asia and North America. Under the program, Google provides equity-free financial support and mentorship to the founders.
As a part of the program, the founders will receive mentorship in the Google headquarters located in San Francisco City and handsome amount of $50,000 in equity-free support.
I would say that it’s pretty altruistic.
Kapture CRM is a mobile-first CRM platform that enables business owners to automate their business operations. The Kapture CRM API can be integrated across different verticals such as FMCG, banking, Retail, Pharma, Media, hospitality, etc. The customers can automate different business operations such as lead management, sales operations, customer service etc.
Within the rich portfolio of almost 200+ satisfied clients, Kapture CRM has already made an irrefutable footprint in the modern digital ecosystem. The client list includes Century, Big basket,BNP Paribas , Manipal hospitals, Wildcraft etc.
We thrive on providing custom integrated business solutions to our clients that make sharp differences in terms of efficiency and ROI. 

Monday, 31 October 2016

Role of automation in your sales Process: How it works and improves your sales activity - Kapture CRM

The words creativity and insight are usually thrown around for greater gravitas in sales discussions. But in real business situations, the concept of creativity and insights is reserved for engineering and marketing departments. The sales teams are plainly expected to close the deals and get customers with least possible fuss.
In the presently saturated and competitive market, organizations should be nimble and flexible to adapt in changing sales scenarios. This demands a much more pressing reason to infuse better creativity to improve your existing sales situation.
In this situation, a partially or completely automated sales system can significantly improve the efficiency in your sales processes.
In this article, we will be examining the automation in different sales situations. You will also learn about factors involved in making iterations and deviations to improve your existing sales situations. This will help you achieve a faster business growth.
Role of Creativity in Modern sales Management
A regular inflow of creativity and insights is a requisite in managing modern sales challenges. The modern sales process is radically different from the tried and tested methodology.
Let’s think for a second, why modern sales management is so different?
In the traditional sense, the marketing or customer outreach program is responsible to come-up with a prospect contact list. Afterwards, these addresses are intimated through direct mailers or other conversation initiators. If you receive a customer response, your sales team can kick into action and take it forward to the final stages of conversion.
Reasons for failures of Traditional selling approach
  1. users are constantly bombarded with emails which drains the interest in these channels
  2. The success rates for regular e-mailers and call outreaches are constantly decreasing
  3. Usually, customers choose to reply through different channels
  4. It’s hard to choose between conflicting options
Now, Consider the Modern sales Approach
All the aforementioned failure reasons could be possibly overcome through following an automation-enabled selling approach.
When you take a sharper look, your selling approach could be usually represented in this form.
This cyclic process consists of various steps. It helps you understand one ultimate truth:
The automated sales approach is a process of constant evolution.
The initial stages involve simply taking forward some pre-existing sales procedures. The initial series of sales, exchanges involves obtaining focused information about the current sales situation.
Later you can make changes to your sales processes and evaluate the effect of those changes.
This system helps you understand the existing challenges and possible changes. You can also understand the effect of possible deviations in your existing sales flow. This helps you zero-in on changes that may turn-out to be the most impactful changes in the final sales outcome.
In the initial part, you will first undertake a pre-existent sales process.
Afterwards, you can understand the loopholes in your current sales procedures and possible changes that could be made to fix them. This approach also allows you to make sharper changes that bring about incremental improvements in your existing sales situations.
The success of this approach depends on obtaining a regular influx of ideas and concepts in your business. You also need to have a better understanding of implementing those ideas into your daily business process. This allows you to maintain your sales process for greater success.
For this, you need a concrete system to track and manage your entire sales responsibilities.
This allows you to follow a creative process to attain the right insights and improvements in your ongoing sales transactions.
This also means that automation by itself is way more than a simple ideation process. A automated selling approach involves multiple steps such as information collection, data management, client list building etc….
You need a comprehensive system that incorporates end-to-end sales responsibilities to make the right decisions with minimal error. Typically, this would also require greater flexibility in handling challenges and opportunities in dealing with your sales responsibilities.
Improving the structure of your sales Team
As per studies done by the HBR research team, your sales team structuring and organization is an all-important factor that determines your ultimate success.

Among them, the successful organizations have some form of strictly enforced reporting or automation procedure.
When you come to think of it, an automated sales reporting has numerous advantages.
It gives you immediate reports on revenue turnover and sales margins.
This allows you to focus on right capabilities in your concerned sales department. It also creates an inbuilt flexibility that helps you make enforced decisions and improvisations in your current selling situation.
This allows you to make the right changes to establish an optimal sales cycle.
Increasing your Market Understanding and Penetration
In a very congested marketplace, the biggest marketing and sales challenge is achieving the requisite presence in a competitive marketplace. You can learn more about achieving the right penetration in a competitive marketplace in this article.
If you are visible to the right personnel and right niche, it can immediately raise your conversion rates.
The key to achieving right penetration is customer segmentation and focused outreach.
This allows you to maintain Omni-channel customer data required to reach multiple customers.
This system allows you to initiate secondary conversations through customer-specific mailer or other conversation initiators such as particular addresses.
Improving your customer value Exchange
In most circumstances, your ability to close deals is largely dependent on the all-important factor – improving customer value exchange.
Rather than providing discounts and offers, the automation lets you build more user-oriented approach to increase your individual customer value.
For this, you need to first understand the different elements that improve your customer value exchange.

As per this data, the ability to understand and improve on every aspect of customer interaction is very important.
These are the multiple factors that may have the highest significance:
  1. Customer interactions
  2. Personalized Interactions
  3. Cross selling/Up selling
  4. Customer Segmentation
  5. Creating Omni channel experience
You can control and iterate these different factors through an automated sales process. It also helps you keep a rein on multiple processes that are currently progressing in your day.
Usually, the management or sales manager can rarely spend enough attention on each prospect or customer.
If you can automate certain activities, it frees-up more time and energy on activities to achieve better returns.
An automated selling approach lets you control and coordinate activities to your own long-term sales goals.

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Sales Force Term, Definition and Sales Processes - Kapture CRM

For the uninitiated, ‘Sales Force’ may appear to be singlehanded proprietary ownership of the “Sales Force” global corporation. But it isn’t so oblique!
It could be a new knowledge that the word ‘sales Force’ has much higher practical and historical significance than its present state of association. It’s a collective approach to manage your sales responsibilities that has the potential to bring about incremental results. This also enables your sales teams to be more effective in their approach that leads to higher number of deal closures with minimum effort.
In other words, the sales force lets you set, co-ordinate and pursue your sales goals to their completion. This also help you maximize each potential opportunity.
Oxford Definition of Sales Force
Let’s go beyond the well-positioned brand identity that pulls some serious gravitas within the SaaS business software market.
Actually, the term ‘sales force’ was used much before it was adopted by “Sales Force Corporation.”
According to Oxford dictionary, sales force describes the cumulated utility of the entire sales prowess of an organization.

In this sense, the organization’s Sales Force should comprehend and focus all activities related to the single-minded pursuit of a single activity – generating organizational revenue.
In other words, your sales force is constituting the activities of your employees to generate higher sales.
For example, as in the following sentence.

But, the question becomes whether the ‘sales force’ attitude result in incremental revenue growth?
The answer is ‘not necessarily.’
Every organization should focus on creating an all-in ‘sales-force’ approach that incorporates multiple aspects of your sales management. In other words, sales force enables your team to target and pursue your end-to-end sales agenda.
Establishing a Sales Force Approach
Today, we are all the participants in a highly competitive and constantly changing marketplace. There is always multiple trained sales reps competing for every prospect.
It’s also an incredibly hard task to gain and manage traction in this competitive marketplace.
Even if you are able to occasionally attract sporadic prospects through individual efforts, but these don’t necessarily build up to company-building revenue performances. Meanwhile, it’s also a highly stressful proposition.
The sales force approach is a possible answer to tackle these steep challenges. It’s a strategy to stimulate and manage your sales responsibilities through a series of connected and combined activities. All these act to amplify your final sales performances.
By having a sales force approach, you can filter your prospects at their basic level. This helps you to filter and understand your complete prospects through your consumer understanding.
In this way, you could equip the sales team to attract an influx of high quality prospects. You can also manage your prospects to gain visible traction in a complex environment.
Elements of a Good Sales Team
Do you have a unified sales front to manage opportunities? Are you able to pursue each opportunity to its better result?
Organizing the Team Hierarchy 
Ideally, a sales team should be able to organize around a good vertical hierarchy. This helps you facilitate a streamlined flow of instructions and eliminate decision making errors that turn egregiously costly.
Here, the sales Force approach could be your centralized system of decision making.
Consistent Performance Evaluation 
It’s no surprise that all sales professionals are judged based on their particular sales acquisitions.
As achieving the biggest closures are their only objective, this can’t have a possible alternative.
The sales manager should have a consistent and direct ability to analyse your current sales performances. It also allows provision for sudden tweaks that could bring a big U-turn in end results.
Impact of Sales management and Automation
Based on the elements of sales force already mentioned, you may need to derive a comprehensive approach.
This requires you to have a tight integration between different sales functions and sales activities. You could also learn to drive a coordinated flow of activities.
These higher levels of sales utility are achieved through a sales management and automation platform. This helps you to potentially shorten processing for each lead, letting you focus on more important tasks.
If you want to be successful, your present day sales team can’t afford to be made up of a group of lone performers. You need to create tight cooperation and understanding between your sales team to create a unified sales front. The sales-force system is intended to equip your teams to manage the modern sales challenges.